Radioactive carbon \(^{14}C\) is produced in the atmosphere by the effect of cosmic rays on atmospheric nitrogen. It is oxidized to \(^{14}CO_{2}\) and absorbed in this form by living organisms. So, living organisms contain a certain percentage of radioactive carbon relative to \(^{12}C\) and \(^{13}C\) which are stable. We suppose that carbon production \(^{14}C\) is constant over the last few millennia.
It is also assumed that, when an organism dies, its exchanges with the atmosphere cease, and that radioactivity due to carbon to carbon \(^{14}C\) decreases according to the following exponential law:
A(t,A_0,\lambda)=A_{0}e^{-\lambda t}.
The analysis of the trunks (wood is dead tissue) of old trees Sequoia gigantea and {} furnishes us~:
s\in \R^p,
\end{array}\right.\] where \(s = \beta - \beta^{(k)}\) abd \(J_r(\beta)\) is the Jacobian matrix of \(r\) in \(\beta\).